Call center quality assurance (QA) is a step by step process that ensures that the customer interactions are in line with the business goals. QA helps to improve customer experiences, standardize communication with customers, and identify common customer issues. 

How To evaluate call QA 

The quality of the call monitored by a quality assurance specialist or the team leader. The following are some of the common ways on how to evaluate the call quality. 

  • QA evaluation – the QA specialist or the team leader assesses the samples of customer professionalism and interaction resolution against the agreed scorecard. QA evaluation is a critical and a better way to evaluate the call’s quality over time and maintain a higher standard Quality Assurance satisfaction. 
  • Customer and call metrics – These involve the NPS ratings, productivity metrics, handling time, customer satisfaction ratings, average response time, etc. 

How to improve call center QA/Best practices 

  1. QA everyone  

 All staff that interacts with customers should undergo QA regardless of their performance because there are always areas for improvement. The errors can be addressed for the underperforming team; this can be of great benefit. For the top and the mid performers, recognition and reinforcements of good practices can be accomplished. 

  1. Your priorities must be right 

Do you need to get the heist CSAT among the peers? Do you need to make sure that more of your calls are answered with a minimum abandoned call? Are you more about the technical support or customer serviced? What are your key performance indicators? What is your position concerning bench marking? You need to be aware of your priorities and build up your Quality Assurance forms according to your preferences. 

  1. QA should be continuous

For the call center, QA is a continuous process, and all the representatives must be aware that it’s an ongoing process. Recording the calls, chats, or emails is essential because these communications can be used to evaluate the quality of the customer interactions. The qualities of the conversation can be determined during the coaching and training sessions. Continues and consistent monitoring of the QA can reinforce a good habit that aids in improving the customer experiences and spot the areas that need improvement. 

  1. QA should enable you to achieve business goals

Recorded communications should be used for offering training opportunities to improve customer interactions. Recorded conversations can also help in the improvement of operational processes. 

  1. Maintain track of your customers

Relying mostly on the customer scorecard can cause an adverse outcome for customer interaction. The scorecards should only be used to help you achieve a minimum standard of call. All teams should be challenged to go beyond in delivering positive customer experience, although it may contradict the scorecard’s scores. Remember that, however vital the scorecards may be, the agents and customers are human, and the interactions cannot be entirely graded using scorecards. 

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